THE NICMO DANCE You can nicmo if you want to You can kiss my friends behind (my house) But if they don't nic and if you don't nic Well they're no friends of mine You kiss if you want to A place where they will never find We can kiss like we come From out of this world Leave the real one far behind You can nicmo with me Everybody out of control You can nic for free Doing it pole to pole You can kiss me if you want to You are young and so am I If your bottom lip won't do it We can totally remove it And the top one will just work out fine I pledge my allegiance To get nicmo everyday And if I don't do it And if I could have done it I'll reproach myself in every way I pledge my allegiance To the flag of the USA Our fathers probably did it Though I'm sure they won't admit it So get a little every day - Fall 1988, Ash Hall/Kevin Burdick